Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

When placing an order, through our website, it is necessary for the user to disclose some of his personal data that will then allow our company to process that order.

Any collection and processing of personal data will be carried out in a lawful and lawful manner, based on the requirements of Law 2472/1997 and the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in order to implement the order placed by the customer and in no way will not be disclosed, made public or sold to third parties, unless the procedure set by the legislation for the removal of confidentiality is initiated (Law 2225/1994) or any obligations arising from the national application of Directive 24/2006.

This Online Store responsibly states that your personal data will be used exclusively for the execution of orders and for the best service in your purchases, and will not extend beyond the necessary purpose. The shipping address and contact phone number you provided to our store can be found in the shipping package.

This Online Store declares that it will not transmit or disclose personal data to third parties (other companies or individuals), unless required by law and / or the competent authorities.
Access to and use of the site presupposes your acceptance of the terms and conditions listed below.

The visitors / users of our Website must comply with all the provisions governing telecommunications, and refrain from any illegal and abusive use of the content and services of our Website.

The visitors / users are responsible for accessing the services of our website and are solely responsible for their personal equipment with the necessary technical means that allow them to access it. Use is the responsibility of the users, who accept that the information and services are offered as is, without express or implied warranty.
In no event, including this negligence, is the Online Store liable for any kind of property damage or non-pecuniary damage caused to the user / visitor of the website due to its use either directly or indirectly.

All Content of the Online Store, including, but not limited to, texts, graphics, photographs, blueprints, illustrations, services and in general any kind of files is the property of copyright and is governed by national and international copyright provisions, with the exception of explicitly recognized third party rights. For this reason, reproduction, republishing, copying, storage, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, “loading”, translation, modification in any way, in part or in summary, without the express written consent of the Beneficiary is prohibited.

Exceptionally, the individual storage and copying of parts of the content on a simple personal computer is allowed for strictly personal use, without the intention of commercial or other exploitation and always under the condition of indicating its source, without this meaning in any way granting rights intellectual property.

Anything else contained in the online pages of the Online Store and is a registered trademark and copyrighted product of third parties is within their sphere of responsibility and has nothing to do with our Website.

The Online Store is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers through links, hyperlinks or banner ads, nor does it guarantee their availability. The referral to other websites is made for the convenience of the public and in no case creates any form of commitment of the Online Store, and problems that will arise during the visit / use of the websites to which this refers refer exclusively to the sphere of responsibility of respective websites, where the public should also go.
This contract of use is governed by the provisions of Greek Law, the directives and Regulations of European Law and the relevant International provisions.


If your purchase DOES NOT please you, we will refund your money or send you another product of your choice, within a reasonable period of time from the date of purchase, provided that the packaging and the product to be returned are intact. Keep in mind that the cost of the return is borne by the customer.

Disclaimer. Our Perfume Press products are not original. Our interpretation of these products is created through chemical analysis and reproduction. The trademarks that may appear on our site with their copyrights are the property of their respective manufacturers. The purpose of using the description and photos is to give customers an idea of the character of the perfume and in no way is it intended to mislead the customer. It is not our intention to infringe on copyright and trademarks.

Αποποίηση Ευθυνών. Τα προϊόντα μας Αρώματα Τύπου δεν είναι πρωτότυπα. Μέσω χημικής ανάλυσης και αναπαραγωγής δημιουργείται η ερμηνεία μας για αυτά τα προϊόντα. Τα εμπορικά σήματα που τυχόν εμφανίζονται στον ιστότοπό μας με τα πνευματικά δικαιώματά τους είναι ιδιοκτησία των αντίστοιχων κατασκευαστών. Σκοπός της χρήσης της περιγραφής και των φωτογραφιών είναι να δώσει στους πελάτες μια ιδέα του χαρακτήρα του αρώματος και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν προορίζεται για παραπλάνηση του πελάτη. Η πρόθεσή μας δεν είναι η παραβίαση πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων και εμπορικών σημάτων.

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